Urological Supplies
Urological Supplies in Philadelphia
Marx Medical offers a comprehensive system of urological products that contain unique features addressing different types of incontinence, serve every facet of catheter care, and meet a wide range of clinical needs.
During a cardiac catheterization, a long, narrow tube called a catheter is inserted through a plastic introducer sheath (a short, hollow tube that is inserted into a blood vessel in your leg or arm). The catheter is guided through the blood vessel to the coronary arteries with the aid of a special x-ray machine.
Are used to help make the catheterization process an easier, more convenient procedure for healthcare professionals and a less traumatic experience for the patient. Foley kits and trays are preassembled kits containing all the most essential tools and supplies needed to safe catheter insertion
Catheter Stabilization Devices, Holders, Leg Straps and more…
A bedpan is a container used to collect urine or feces, and it is shaped to fit under a person lying or sitting in bed. Bedpans can be made of plastic or metal, and some can be used with liners to prevent splashing and to make cleaning easier.
Marx Medical provides urological supplies through Medicare, Medicaid and commercial insurances. Tell your doctor to send us your script today!